Slovensko arheološko društvo organizira v petek, 19. junija, strokovno ekskurzijo v Firence – ogled dveh izjemnih razstav antične (helenistične) skulpture. Odhod ob 6.00 izpred Filozofske fakultete (Aškerčeva 2, Ljubljana). Vsi stroški prevoza (vozilo, gorivo, cestnina, parkirnina) na osebo (največ 9 udeležencev) ok. 25 €.

Prijave na:


Moč in patos / Potere e pathos
Bronasta skulptura helenističnega sveta / Bronzi del mondo ellenistico


Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles in National Gallery of Art, Washington DC v sodelovanju z Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana

Vstopnina: 10 €

Od 14. marca do 21. junija 2015, gosti Palazzo Strozzi v Firencah veliko razstavo z naslovom Moč in patos- Power and Pathos. Bronze Sculpture of the Hellenistic World.

The exhibition showcases a host of outstanding examples of bronze sculpture to tell the story of the spectacular artistic developments of the Hellenistic era (4th to 1st centuries BCE), when new forms of expression began to prevail throughout the Mediterranean basin and beyond, riding on the back of an extraordinary leap forward in technological development to form the first instance of globalisation of the language of art in the known world. The use of bronze, with its unique characteristics, allowed artists to impart an unprecedented level of dynamism to their full-figure statues and naturalism to their portraits in which psychological expression become a hallmark of the style.

The exhibition hosts some of the most important masterpieces of the ancient world from many of the world’s leading archaeological museums including the British Museum in London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Galleria degli Uffizi and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Florence, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples, the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, the Georgian National Museum, the Musée du Louvre in Paris and the Vatican Museums. Monumental statues of gods, athletes, and heroes stand alongside portraits of historical figures to take visitors on a breathtaking journey exploring the fascinating stories of these masterpieces’ discovery, often at sea but also in the course of archaeological digs, thus setting the findings in their ancient contexts like sanctuaries, private houses, cemeteries, or public spaces.

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Exhibition opening hours
Daily including holidays 10.00-20.00
Thursdays: 10.00-23.00

Tel +39 055 2645155



Vzporedno je v Museo Archeologico Nazionale Firenze organizirana razstava
Mala velika bronasta plastika / Piccoli grandi bronzi

Vstopnina: 10 €

Great Small Bronzes sets out to offer visitors an overview of the outstanding collection of bronze statuettes put together by the Houses of Medici and Lorraine in the course of some three centuries and now in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze. Over 170 exhibits lead the visitor on a fascinating journey through ancient art that makes this exhibition a must-see event complementing Power and Pathos.

Monday, Saturday, Sunday 8.30–14.00; Tuesday-Friday 8.30–19.00

Piazza Santissima Annunziata 9b
tel. +39 055 23575

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